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Ridge School 1905-1906

This photo of the Ridge School in 1905-1906 was sent by Gail Seeley. She says, "My grandmother, Leola 'Data' Hayden Finn (1892–1988) is standing in the back row below the asterisk. 'Data,' pronounced Dah-ta, was a poor rendering of 'Grandma' as spoken by my elder siblings and carried forward. My grandmother went on to become a school teacher herself. My brother wrote on the back as our grandmother told him about the photo. I believe the motel mentioned is the one at the top of the hill as you come out of Anamosa on old Highway 151."

From back of photo: "This was Data's last year at country school...the one made into house out by motel. Haydens at that time lived on the Fairbank place. Data started high school in 1907—graduated 1911. Mary Gorman talked Data into continuing on to high school. No previous student at the Ridge School had gone on to high school."

Leola Hayden is mentioned in the 1908 and 1912 Anamosa High School yearbooks.


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Last updated on Friday, 16-Apr-2021 16:56:11 MST