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Black Oak School 1920s

Black Oak School, Jones County, 1920.

Black Oak School, Jones County, early 1920s.

Black Oak School, Jones County, early 1920s.

Black Oak School, Jones County, early 1920s.

The photo that includes Marjorie Andrews has a list of names on the back—scarred and faded names. They are, as best I can tell:
N(e)------ Walters
Henry Schutte
--ward Ilsen
-----sa Gerdes
----- D(ir?)ks
-- Dann
--(is or ir?)ta Gerdes
--(mand?) Dirks
--(oage?) Dirks
------ Zimmerman
------ Reuken (Reiken?)
------ Reuken (Reiken?)

Can you identify any of the students in these photos provided by Ruth Potter? Her grandmother, Marjorie Andrews, was the teacher at Black Oak in the early 1920s. She is in the center of the back row of the bottom photo in the black dress. Ruth would appreciate having some more information about the school.


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Last updated on Friday, 16-Apr-2021 16:56:11 MST