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H. L. Batcheller
Born 3 October 1837
H. L. Batcheller, one of the older representatives of farming in Oxford township, was born in New Hampshire, October 3, 1837, a son of James and Amanda M. (Brown) Batcheller, who were likewise natives of that state, and there the father passed away. Subsequently the mother, in 1849, came west with her family, which consisted of five children, of whom three survive. She, too, has departed this life, her death occurring in Cedar county, this state, where she located upon her arrival in the west.
H. L. Batcheller was a lad of twelve years when he was brought to Iowa, and his education, which was begun in the common schools of the east, was continued in the schools of Iowa. He remained with his mother, giving her every aid and assistance possible, until he attained his majority, when he started out to make his own way in the world. He first broke prairie with ox teams, this claiming his attention for some time. He established a home of his own in 1858 by his marriage to Miss Mary Jane Patrick. He was married a second time, in 1862, to Miss Louise Rogers, who was born in Delaware county, Ohio, a daughter of Chauncey and Nancy (Pike) Rogers. They took up their abode in Clinton county, Iowa, in 1851, but later removed to Jones county, where they both passed away.
Following his second marriage Mr. Batcheller engaged in teaming, which he followed for thirteen years and he now operates one hundred acres of land, which he owns, this being located in Oxford township. He has his place improved with good buildings, while the soil has been made to yield good crops through the attention he gives to it each year.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. Batcheller have been born six children, but four are deceased. One daughter and one son survive: Charlotte A., the wife of George Coker, a resident of Jones county; and Frank, who also makes his home in this county. Mr. Batcheller gives his political support to the men and measures of the democracy but has never sought nor desired office, preferring to live a quiet life. He is a Mason, belonging to Lodge No. 435, at Oxford Junction, while his wife is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist church. From an early age heavy responsibilities have rested upon him, since he was deprived of a father's care when only about twelve years of age. He has, however, brooked no obstacles that could be overcome by determination and energy and his excellent farm is the evidence of his well spent life.

Source: History of Jones County, Iowa, Past and Present, R. M. Corbitt, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910, p. 272.


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Last updated on Friday, 16-Apr-2021 16:53:22 MST