
The first article is from History of Jones County, Iowa Western Historical Company, 1879, page 546, and the second from History of Jones County, Iowa, Past and Present, Volume 1, R. M. Corbitt, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1910, page 634.

The oldest church in Wayne is that of the United Presbyterian, on the eastern border, near Scotch Grove, which is the nearest post office. It was organized on the 12th of May, 1856, with twelve members. One hundred and eighty-six persons have been members of this Church. The first Pastor was the Rev. A. J. Allen, and the present Pastor, the Rev. W. D. Ralston, has been in charge since 1864. The present Elders are Matthew Nelson, Robert Heasty, J. L. Acheson, James Milne and George L. Himebaugh. The church and parsonage are valued at $3,000. The present church edifice was erected in 1865, and, from the shape of its spire is locally known as "The four-horned church." Many of its members reside in Scotch Grove.


This religious institution was organized May 12, 1856, with twelve members. Rev. J. A. Allan was the minister at the time of the organization. Rev W. D. Ralston became pastor in 1864 when the present church building was erected and continued as pastor until 1884. Rev. G. W. Morrison was pastor 1887-88. In 1879 the membership was eighty. In that year the elders of the church were, Matthew Nelson, Robert Heasty, J. L. Acheson, James Milne, and George L. Himebaugh. The society disorganized in 1805. The church has been known locally as the "Fourhorned church" because of the shape of its spire. The last pastor was Rev. C. C. Potter 1888-1893. There have been no regular services in this church during the past fifteen years or more. This church was affected in the same way and to the same extent as the Presbyterian church, the moving away of its membership to other fields of activity. The church property was transferred to the cemetery association in order that the cemetery might be kept up. The church building yet stands on the east boundary of the township in section 24, and is used on rare occasions. The cemetery adjoins the church property on the north.