This church was originally one of the early institutions of Clay township, and was erected as early as 1854 or 1855, under the ministerial supervision of Joel B. Taylor, the building having been erected on the south side of the road east of the present residence of W. S. Orr in Clay township. The record of the organization of the class has gone too deep into the archives of the past to be recovered. As early as 1864, the church appears on the record as a part of the Mineral Circuit. The building was erected as a Union church, and remains so to the present time, although it is used almost exclusively as a house of worship by the Methodist Episcopal church. The building was moved to its present location in the '70s, now being located on the northeast quarter of section 5, of Wyoming township. The church is now a part of Center Junction Circuit, the pastor residing at Center Junction, and holding services in the church in the afternoon of every second Sunday. Through all the years of its organization, the church has done its work faithfully and without ostentation. It has been the center of religious activity for many years, and its members are among the best citizens in the community. The social features of the church work has added much to the enjoyment of the rural population, and has had a strong influence for the general betterment of the people in the vicinity. The class at present has twenty-five members. The stewards are: J. B. Hutton, Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs. Jas. Warren; J. B. Hutton is class leader. A Sunday school is maintained with about fifty members, Mrs. Rachel Huffman being superintendent, Miss Alka Warren, secretary and J. B. Hutton, treasurer.