The German Evangelical Lutheran Peter and Paul's church of Castle Grove was organized November 10, 1884. with the following officers: Trustees: John Stadtmueller, Peter Ommen and Henry Heiken; deacon, Gerd J. Rickels; secretary, John Stadtmueller; treasurer, Gerd J. Rickels. The pastor was Rev. Mardorf. On November 15. 1884, the newly organized society purchased the Baptist church building for five hundred dollars and this building and property is now being maintained by the German society.
The present officers are: Trustees: Harm Rickels, John Siebels, William Tutken; deacons: Thomas Ulrich, Eibo Eiben; organist, Mrs. Close Willms; secretary. A. F. M. Casper; pastor, Rev. Hans Naether. There are about fifty members at present, and the outside appearance of the church at least indicates prosperity. Regular services are held and the work of the church is flourishing.